Grade Point Average-Gpa

You may be wondering what a grade-point average (gpa) is. GPA simply refers to the sum of the grades you have earned and the classes you took.

The following is the scale: A= 4 Points, B= 3 Points, C= 2 Points, D= 1 and F= 0 Points. You earn 12 points if you get 6 C's. Divide that number by 6 (the number you've taken) to get a 2.0 grade point average. There is no distinction between pluses and minuses. The exception to a formula that determines who the best academic student of the year at the end of each year, however.

AJHS-provides two types a GPA.

  1. Quarterly – This is your quarterly GPA. It is calculated only from quarter grades. When new grades appear, it is reset each quarter.

  2. Cumulative- The cumulative GPA is the total of all the grades earned by AJHS students throughout their entire academic career. It is calculated by adding all the class grades together and then multiplying by ALL classes taken. This number is used to calculate graduation and end-of-the year awards

Aptos Junior uses GPA's for many different purposes. Here's a brief list.

  • To be eligible to participate in extracurricular activities such as sports, field trips, and so forth, students must maintain a 2.0 GPA each quarter. This is reset each quarter
  • Honor Roll: To be eligible for honor roll, students must maintain a minimum of 3.5 GPA each quarter.
  • Graduation: Students need to have a cumulative 2.0 grade point average in order be eligible to graduate.
  • End of year awards: We use both cumulative and quarterly GPA's in order to determine various end-of-the year awards


Aptos junior is proud to award positive awards to our students. Here's a list of some of the recognitions and awards we offer students.

  1. Honor Roll: Students must maintain a minimum of a 3.5 GPA each quarter to be eligible for the Honor Roll. Students with cumulative GPAs of 3.5 and higher at the conclusion of each academic year will be eligible for the Honor Roll Award.
  2. Award for Top Student in Class: This award is presented by the teacher to the student who has performed the best during the year. Each teacher is allowed one choice per class. The awards are determined by academics, participation, and behavior. Individual teachers make the final decisions.
  3. Presidential Academic awards: These awards will be given to 8th graders with a cumulative 3.5 GPA and who scored 450 or more on the CST exams from the previous years.
  4. CJSF Award: Students can receive this award by becoming CJSF members for three quarters (7th), and six quarters (8th). The 8th grade must have at least 3 quarters of the time.
  5. Scholar Athetes: An 8th-grade boy or girl is chosen based on their academic and athletic achievements.
  6. Outstanding Academics: The GPA of one 7th and eighth grade students determines who is selected. This formula considers the type of courses taken as well any pluses or minuses regarding grades.
  7. Million word readers: Students are honoured for reading one-million words during the schoolyear
  8. 25 Book Club: Students are honoured for reading 25 books during the school year
  9. For perfect attendance, : Students receive an award for a minimum of one year.
  10. Most Improved student: A 7th-grade boy or girl and an 8th-grade girl are chosen to be the most improved in academics and/or behavior. This award is only available to students with a minimum 2.0 cumulative GPA. The faculty will choose the recipient.
  11. Seadragon Citizenship award for 7th and 8th grades. These awards are given to students who have made positive contributions to their school, class, or other areas. The faculty decides on this award. For eligibility, students must have at least a 2.0 GPA.
  12. Presidential Physical Fitness Award: Students must meet all federal requirements to be eligible for this award. The PE classes provide more details.

Graduation details

To graduate from AJHS, students must have a cumulative 2.0 GPA. Cumulative GPA refers to the average of all classes at AJHS.

If you think your child may not graduate, contact the counselor.


  • baileywilliams

    Bailey Williams is an educational blogger and school teacher who uses her blog as a way to share her insights and knowledge with her readers. She has been teaching for over 10 years and has a deep understanding of the school system and how to help students reach their goals. Her blog is packed full of helpful information and resources, so be sure to check it out if you're looking for help with your schoolwork!